As Global Head of 呼吸 & 免疫学 Late-Stage 发展, I work with experts across biometrics, 监管事务, 临床操作, and clinical development. 在一起, we advance potential medicines from phase IIb through to submission and approval, and subsequently into life cycle management.

Despite important advances in recent years, there continues to be significant unmet need across respiratory and immunology diseases – from conditions like asthma and COPD affecting millions across the globe, to rare diseases with limited treatment options.

I joined AstraZeneca in 2022 and have been struck by the outstanding commitment to pushing the boundaries of science to transform care for people living with respiratory and immunology-based diseases. It is our ambition to move beyond symptom management towards disease modification and remission. Science thrives in an environment of true collaboration, so I am so pleased to see the innovative partnerships at play, both within AstraZeneca and externally, to help us realise this ambition.

I have a steadfast commitment to patients and clinical excellence, and I am so proud to lead a global network of people dedicated to developing new respiratory and immunology medicines. I have a passion for supporting my teams and people to grow.

Caterina Brindicci Senior Vice President and Global Head of 呼吸 & 免疫学 Late-Stage 发展, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐 R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐
Headshot of Caterina Brindicci, Senior Vice President and Global Head of 呼吸 & 免疫学 Late-Stage 发展, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐 R&澳门在线赌城娱乐的博士


Senior Vice President and Global Head of 呼吸 & 免疫学 Lat-Stage 发展, AstraZeneca

2022 - present: Senior Vice President and Global Head of 呼吸 & 免疫学 Lat-Stage 发展, AstraZeneca

Joined AstraZeneca as the Global Franchise Head for Inhaled Products


引导呼吸系统 & Allergy 发展 Unit at Novartis as the Clinical 发展 Head, following seven years of clinical development


Global Clinical Program Head at Novartis


Clinical Program Leader in 呼吸 R&Chiesi博士


Awarded PhD from Imperial College London in clinical pharmacology and molecular biology


Nitric oxide synthase isoenzyme expression and activity in peripheral lungs of COPD patients

Brindicci C, Kharitonov SA, Ito M, Elliott MW, Hogg JC, Barnes PJ and Ito K. AJRCCM 1;181(1):21-30 (January 2010)

Blood eosinophils as biomarkers to drive treatment choices in asthma and COPD

Kostikas K, Brindicci C, Patalano F. Current Drug Targets (February 2018)

Effectiveness of fevipiprant in reducing exacerbations in patients with severe asthma (LUSTER-1 and LUSTER-2): two phase 3 randomised controlled trials

Brightling C, Gaga米, 井上H, 李江, Maspero J, 文策尔年代, Maitra年代, 劳伦斯D, Brockhaus F, 莱曼T, Brindicci C, 克诺尔B, 布利尔.  Lancet Respir Med 9(1):43-56 (January 2021)

Veeva ID: Z4-51368
Date of preparation: December 2022